Tag Archives: baby care

The Hot Mama Diaries: How To Feel Your Best Now

14 Apr

baby care book offers

A new baby care book offers tips for moms, too.

Besides all the information you’d ever need to raise an infant, The Better Way To Take Care of Your Baby, a new baby care book, offers uplifting and smart style tips for mom, too.

Really, though, let’s just confirm right now that this is the most comprehensive infant encyclopedia on the market. Tons of photos and illustrations alongside the current information of everything from burping to calming your new kiddie make it an essential for a new mom (baby shower gift alert!). It’s organized month by month, with checklists at the beginning and end of each chapter. We like.

Aside from all the baby details by author Robin Elise Weiss, there’s a nice focus on mom, too. “Hot Mama” and “Mama Moment” sidebars dot the chapters, perfectly in tune with what a mother will be going through in that particular month.

Here, a few tips we should all keep in mind and everyone can take advantage of, newborn or not:

* —Patterned shirts can be a real blessing. You can hide all sorts of stains with a good pattern.


book offers

* —Have you had a real dress-up-date yet? Schedule one soon. Even if dressing up is at the bottom of your list, it will lift your spirits and make you feel sexy.


* —Have your makeup colors redone to give yourself a fashion boost. Don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of time–some blush and lip gloss can go a long way toward helping you feel a bit more polished. Bring out the full look for special occasions.


* —Are you still wearing your sweatpants every day to go to the store and run errands? Consider going to a larger department store and asking about a personal shopper. Do not be dissuaded if you’re not the weight you’d like to be or your body is different now; simply work on looking great.

book offers

The Hot Mama Diaries: How To Feel Your Best Now

3 Jul

baby care book

A new baby care book offers tips for moms, too.

Besides all the information you’d ever need to raise an infant, The Better Way To Take Care of Your Baby, a new baby care book, offers uplifting and smart style tips for mom, too.

Really, though, let’s just confirm right now that this is the most comprehensive infant encyclopedia on the market. Tons of photos and illustrations alongside the current information of everything from burping to calming your new kiddie make it an essential for a new mom (baby shower gift alert!). It’s organized month by month, with checklists at the beginning and end of each chapter. We like.

Aside from all the baby details by author Robin Elise Weiss, there’s a nice focus on mom, too. “Hot Mama” and “Mama Moment” sidebars dot the chapters, perfectly in tune with what a mother will be going through in that particular month.

Here, a few tips we should all keep in mind and everyone can take advantage of, newborn or not:

* —Patterned shirts can be a real blessing. You can hide all sorts of stains with a good pattern.


baby care book offers

* —Have you had a real dress-up-date yet? Schedule one soon. Even if dressing up is at the bottom of your list, it will lift your spirits and make you feel sexy.


* —Have your makeup colors redone to give yourself a fashion boost. Don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of time–some blush and lip gloss can go a long way toward helping you feel a bit more polished. Bring out the full look for special occasions.


* —Are you still wearing your sweatpants every day to go to the store and run errands? Consider going to a larger department store and asking about a personal shopper. Do not be dissuaded if you’re not the weight you’d like to be or your body is different now; simply work on looking great.