Tag Archives: your mind

Bust Your Worst Fitness Habits

3 Apr

stay focused

Some workout habits arise out of laziness, and some are downright dangerous. Check out the worst fitness mistakes you can make and the simple corrections that can help you stay focused.

1) FORM. I can’t say this enough . . . form is your safety net. Once you compromise the way you do the move, you’re no longer getting the greatest benefits from the exercise and you’re seriously increasing your risk of getting hurt. Even if it means lowering the amount of weight you are lifting, follow the correct form for the most outstanding results.

2) OVERTRAINING. I believe in staying motivated, but don’t expect that you’re going to dive right in and pound your body into its best shape ever overnight. Not only will this all-or-nothing attitude cause burnout, but you also risk injury and you will definitely give up on yourself because this is an unreasonable expectation. Instead, you’re going to gradually build up your muscles so they get the most effective, efficient workout possible. If you follow the Best Body Now program, more doesn’t always mean better, faster results. And remember, rest is good for your body. Take days off between training to repair and rebuild, or if you’re training daily, don’t work the same muscle groups back to back.

3) UNDERTRAINING. Once you’re dressed and ready to sweat, commit to giving it your all for the next thirty to sixty minutes. Just going through the motions doesn’t do anything for your body and makes it easy to let boredom creep in. You owe this time to yourself — you deserve it — so make sure you give it your all. As So You Think You Can Dance choreographer Debbie Allen says, “Put on your short stuff and sweat!” I like it!

correct form Continue reading

52 Simple Ways to Be Healthier

24 Sep

lemon juice

Big changes are often daunting and hard to fold into your everyday life; they are simply not sustainable. Try a new healthy habit a week. These are small changes that can make a big impact on not only your health, but the environment’s health as well. Tape these easy tips to your refrigerator and read weekly!

1. Drink 8 glasses of pure water a day.

2. Get rid of any junk food in your house. If it’s not there, don’t go get it.

3. Limit your caffeine intake: 1-2 cups of coffee a day.

4. Plan your weekly meals on your day off.

5. Spend 30 minutes twice a week cutting up fresh veggies to have them ready at all times.

6. Keep seasonal fruit at home and eat it when you’re hungry or when a sweet tooth strikes.

7. Substitute raw nuts and seeds for processed granola bars.

8. Don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach; it’s hard on your stomach and burns up B vitamins.

9. Eat raw vegetables every day. Raw veggies contain important enzymes that can be lost when they’re cooked.

10. Purchase as much of your food organic as you can. Your body will appreciate it as will our planet.

11. Next time you make cookies or cake, substitute half of the butter with applesauce, pumpkin or prune puree. Less fat; more nutrients.

12. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

13. Vary your food; if you eat it today, don’t eat it for 4 days.

14. Different colored food has different nutrients, so eat from the rainbow. Red peppers, orange carrots, green kale, etc.

15. Thicken soups with pureed beans. Delicious and added nutrition.

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